February 2012
I got to try on my mom's wedding dress and veil as well as look at wedding dresses for the first time! Even Gavin (my nephew) came to check out the dresses. He was the most perfect gentleman commenting on how pretty I looked in every dress! -Amy
April 2012
We were invited to go camping with our friends in Maryland Adam, Jess and their dog Dexter(one of Casey's friends). We purchased a new tent, cooler, and even electric skillet and packed all of this into Amy's Taurus. Scott even brought his grill and french press coffee maker! Amy barley survived the first night as it got into the mid 30's however it was worth it because the following days and night were perfect. Casey had a blast on her first camping trip!!!

Our Spot!

Casey looking out over the pond!
Joe and Emily's Wedding
Our good friends Joe and Emily had a wonderful wedding back in the good ol' East Lansing Michigan. It was such an honor to be a part of their day and celebrate with them!
May 2012
living in Maryland for just over a year I finally made it to DC along
with my parents Jay and Mary Kay. Can't forget Casey - she is a very
well traveled dog! On my parents trip out to Maryland my mom and I also
looked at more wedding dresses - definitely some pretty ones out there!
August 2012
Stone Harbor, NJ

Traverse City/Bellaire, Michigan
packed up our rental car and left before the sun came up to make it to
Portage Michigan for the first annual Hirschman Pool Party! Not only
did Scott and I hang with our friends, Casey got to play with her North
Carolina boyfriend Tucker!

continued the drive to Traverse City and met up with Scott's Parents
and family. Can you believe it, we saw our ceremony and reception venue
for the first time in person! We were quite impressed, can't beat the
view of the bay this place has to offer.

Check out some of the pictures from our trip in Traverse City. We can't believe the next time we are here is for our wedding.

Old Mission Light House

Life on the water

One of the many vineyards on Old Mission
Chateau Chantel
set off again to drive to Bellaire where Amy's family stayed, only a
short 45 minutes from where Scott grandma and Aunt's, Uncle's, and
cousins live!

Casey and Gavin (Amy's Nephew) on the pontoon enjoying the breeze

Life is Short's, Drink it While you are Here
Only the best Michigan brewery, located in Bellaire Michigan! It was at Short's where we met up with our Wedding Photographer, Michael Murphy IV for our engagement session pictures.

Lookout, Lake Bellaire
October 2012
We are moving to Washington DC!
Moving Day!
March 2013
of the sights around our new home. We have done a lot of exploring the
past few months and have barely brushed the surface.

Our Neighborhood

The National Cathedral

Casey's playground
Local Library